“Thank you thank you thank you for your time, care, and attention this year. You have been such a tremendous help to me. I am grateful to hear that you see me as 'graduated' even though I don't quite have all the gears going the way I want them to. I agree with you - I have up-leveled every area of the Lifestyle Wellness plan and am ready to take it on my own! I am feeling stronger and healthier than I have in years, now after roughly a decade of mental, emotional, and physical struggles. I really appreciate your part in helping me recover beautifully and put my life back together in a holistic, sustainable way.” —Patient recovering from Breast Cancer

“It has been a pleasure meeting and working with you these many  months.  Thank you very much for your help, guidance, and  information regarding my health and nutrition.   I benefit from your knowledge and communication skills, which make it comfortable to discuss many aspects of my health and take positive action on many issues. I am thankful for your thorough analysis and practical suggestions regarding my food intake, vitamins, supplements, pancreatic enzymes, and more.  I greatly benefit from your efforts to elicit the active teamwork involvement of my medical care team.  Together, you and the team consistently offer recommendations and solutions which make a positive difference in my life.  I am thankful for this, and I truly appreciate your active involvement.” —Patient, MGH Cancer Center

“I ran Valencia in 2:56:24, absolutely demolishing my PB by 30 mins and achieving my long-time goal of a sub-3 hour race. I've cut down around 8-10 pounds, feeling and looking the healthiest I've ever been. Thank you so so much for the wonderful advice and guidance over the past few months, it was a huge help in getting my fitter and faster and healthier.” —Boston Running Center Client

"I started carb loading when Carol said and ate a lot more before and during the race. I never hit the wall, ran progressive, and PR'd by 3 minutes with a 2:57:53 and beat my best Boston time by 30+ minutes. That was after running the 5k the day before!" —Boston Running Center Client

“Took me seriously, as an athlete, even though I've had cancer and I'm currently overweight. She has real helpful concrete suggestions about how I could improve my diet, to both improve my athletic performance and also lose weight. For the first time in many, many years made me feel hopeful about losing weight and keeping it off, which hopefully will help keep me cancer free. “ —Patient, recovering from cancer reclaiming herself as a runner